I can’t deny that I’ve been using Facebook far more any normal person should. It’s like, if hotmail and crack were to somehow have sex and reproduce, the result would surely be something like Facebook.

That said, it is most certainly a great way to stay in touch with people who would otherwise have fallen clean off your radar.

But Facebook has also become a breeding ground for 3rd party developers to create their own applications that can be run in Facebook. Case in point: Chinesepod.com, a website for learning Chinese through mp3 lessons, has just developed an application that will allow you to listen to those lessons through an embedded flash player in facebook. Check it out for yourself:

Chinesepod’s Facebook Application

Chinesepod’s Facebook Application

And while you’re at it, be sure to check out our Facebook Lost Laowai group. If you’re in the mood for a good Sino-chat, drop on over anytime.

We promise we won’t turn you into Zombies!



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