VICE explores shady side of China’s ESL industry

Edgy investigative journalism mag VICE has published an article delving into the rapidly declining frontier of shady ESL gigs. “The Chinese ESL-Industrial Complex: How English Teachers in China Are Lied to and Exploited,” features interviews with a handful of teachers that backup the article’s exposition on bad teaching jobs in China.Read More


CCTV asks if ‘expats unqualified for language teaching in China?’

With school starting up again this week, a recent CCTV news report may hint at an increase in crackdowns on illegally employed ESL teachers. In the video, a hidden camera captures a sight that surely many of us have never witnessed — foreign teachers working at a language mill without proper papers. Even the “Expats …Read More

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Speed Dating in an English Lesson

A few weeks ago I finished my first academic year of teaching Oral English at a university in the Middle Kingdom. There’ve been ups and downs, yadda, yadda, but it’s been, overall, good. Even the work has been okay. Here’s a short piece I wrote back in March about my favourite lesson. This week, in …Read More

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The Outdoors Poetry Exercise

Keith, already suspicious of John, is doubly suspicious now that John missed their dinner appointment. On a rainy Friday, he wonders about John’s motives for being in China, as he implements a fresh idea into the classroom: a poetry exercise, where the students go outside, and use English to write a poem about what they …Read More

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