Living in China brings with it a number of occasions where most can do nothing but scratch their heads and say “WTF?” However, largely by the help of the English-language China blogsphere, we’ve started to create a dictionary that can assist in putting words to the weird, definitions to the disarray and captions to the confusing.

May I introduce:
The LICtionary
The LICtionary, or Life In China Dictionary, contains terms us expats have created to put form to the fiction that is life in China.

Currently it’s a little sparse, but this is where you come in. Got a great term you use all the time? Heard a funny phrase that ‘just fit’ what it’s like to live here? Or ever read Sinosplice and been itching to share John’s ability to create/discover great linguistical nuggets? If so, please head on over to the newest addition to Lost Laowai and help us build it.

You’ve gotta register (free) to submit (sorry, take it up with those who spam), but anyone can browse.

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